Planning Appeals
The planning appeals system exists to provide an independent decision between an applicant for planning permission that is aggrieved at the refusal (or lack of it) by the Council, and the local authority that issued the decision.
For every appeal an Inspector is appointed to hear all the evidence from both parties and, having given due consideration to all matters raised, makes his own judgement in a written Planning Appeal Decision Notice.
The new Householder Appeal Service relates to householder planning applications concerning such proposals as extensions to houses, the erection of outbuildings, such as sheds, garages and other domestic buildings as well as fences, walls and other alterations to the external appearance of a house. In addition, you can appeal against a planning condition imposed on an approved householder planning permission.
A householder planning application is NOT one that seeks a change of use of the property or land, or involves a change to the number of dwellings in a building, such as where a house is converted into two or more flats. A standard appeal process is available in those circumstances.
The majority of planning appeals are dealt with by way of Written Representations with an exchange of evidence in writing. However, there are cases where an Informal Hearing is appropriate or even a Public Inquiry. We can advise on the most appropriate way to proceed, having regard to the nature of the case and not forgetting the question of costs.
The first job will be to determine whether an appeal is the best way to proceed. Sometimes planning issues can be resolved by re-application or variation of the scheme to address technical or other matters. An appeal should really be the course of last resort, but may be your only means of testing the point.
We can prepare and submit your appeal submissions, represent your case at any hearing or Inquiry and co-ordinate other appeal team members as necessary.