Planning Applications of All Kinds
We provide advice and consultancy services for the preparation, submission and management of a wide variety of planning applications. These can include:
Householder Applications
Outline and Full applications (including Change of Use)
Approval of Reserved Matters
Listed Building and Conservation Area consents
Advertisement consents
Consents under Tree Preservation Orders
Certificates of Lawful Development
Applications for Prior Notification under the GPDO
Removal or Variation of Conditions
Minor Modifications
We prepare applications for electronic submission via the Planning Portal and once validated continuously monitor their progress through to a decision, making any additional submissions as necessary.
Although the majority of planning applications are decided under 'Delegated Powers' by the planning department, some are still considered in committee and we will appear on your behalf to address councillors.
We can advise on the best way to proceed following a decision and if needs be whether to appeal or not. Other sections provide further guidance on key topic areas but do call us if you have a question or require clarification on the planning process.