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Planning Policy Reports


Local authorities are tasked with developing a Local Plan for their area which forms part of a suite of documents comprising the Local Development Framework (LDF). Whilst many have commenced work on a new Local Plan, the majority remain to have a formally adopted document, necessitating the retention of 'saved' policies from older Local Plans.


Complex enough for the regular practitioner, it can be a daunting prospect for the general public who are being encouraged at the same time to take much wider participation in the planning consultation process.  We can:


  • consider your proposals against the adopted, 'saved' and draft policy frameworks, at national and local levels and establish your planning position in advance of any application

  • Submit representations to Core Strategies and other Local Development Framework Documents, Supplementary Planning Guidance and Strategic Housing (and Economic) Land Assessments (SHLAA's)

  • Representation for individuals and groups in the consultation process, make submissions and engagement in public inquiries






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