Planning Policy Reports
Local authorities are tasked with developing a Local Plan for their area which forms part of a suite of documents comprising the Local Development Framework (LDF). Whilst many have commenced work on a new Local Plan, the majority remain to have a formally adopted document, necessitating the retention of 'saved' policies from older Local Plans.
Complex enough for the regular practitioner, it can be a daunting prospect for the general public who are being encouraged at the same time to take much wider participation in the planning consultation process. We can:
consider your proposals against the adopted, 'saved' and draft policy frameworks, at national and local levels and establish your planning position in advance of any application
Submit representations to Core Strategies and other Local Development Framework Documents, Supplementary Planning Guidance and Strategic Housing (and Economic) Land Assessments (SHLAA's)
Representation for individuals and groups in the consultation process, make submissions and engagement in public inquiries