Third Party Objections
Acting for individuals, resident groups and organisations, we provide advice and representations on your behalf against someone else's planning proposals.
Perhaps your neighbour is proposing a building extension which could affect your residential amenity, or a developer has a commercial scheme in mind that could impact upon you. Perhaps the Council are proposing regeneration initiatives that will affect your area.
We can assess the proposal from a legal and technical standpoint, advise on the most appropriate basis for submitting representations to the Council in writing, in committee or at public enquiry as necessary.
Even if you just need to know that a development is being carried out in the correct manner, we can assist you in ensuring that you have the necessary information to make sure your viewpoint is heard.
Where the development is acceptable in principle, suggesting planning conditions and optimising planning gains can be just as important in achieving an acceptable scheme.
Whether on application, appeal or at a local consultation meeting we can assist.